Werner Liebregts
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
About me
I am an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Strategy and Entrepreneurship department of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) of Tilburg University. Previously, I held a similar position at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS), a joint initiative of Tilburg University and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). I obtained my PhD in Economics with a focus on intrapreneurship from Utrecht University in March 2018. I also serve as a Board Member of the Dutch Academy of Research in Entrepreneurship (DARE).
My research combines the data science and entrepreneurship disciplines in the following two ways: (1) Investigating how (big) data and AI enable entrepreneurs to reach higher levels of data or digital maturity and (2) applying state-of-the-art data science methods and techniques to better address conventional entrepreneurship research questions. In sum, I am intrigued by how entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship scholars can leverage data science for new value and new knowledge creation, respectively.
Furthermore, I have extensive experience with coordinating courses on, amongst others, corporate entrepreneurship and startup entrepreneurship, both at the graduate and undergraduate level. I also proudly supervise a substantial number of Bachelor and Master theses related to my own interests and expertise per academic year. I obtained my Senior University Teaching Qualification (SKO in Dutch) at Tilburg University in June 2019.
Feel free to reach out to me!
Latest news
New publication in @ETPjournal, joint with Coen Rigtering and Niels Bosma: Uncertainty Avoidance and the Allocation of Entrepreneurial Activity across Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. Full article here: https://t.co/ZuGJI7ZN6x
— Werner Liebregts (@wjliebregts) December 19, 2024